The Daily Engineer

Engineering tips and best practices for every day life - Engineer Your Life

Like everything in life this site is a work in progress,

so.... I hope you stick around with me and enjoy the ride

Welcome to The Daily Engineer site

My goal is to share with all who is interested methods to Engineer Your Life, by methods I mean: tips, strategies, techniques, best practices and any other term you can think off that describes applying engineering principles to every day life

When thinking off how to structure this site I debated with myself and decided to structure it in the same way that I structure my life and apply the principles myself; I organize my life according to 4 pillars:

Happiness - all things that make one happy: Family, Entertainment, Fun activities and for me: this very site

Wisdom - the process of acquiring and applying knowledge

Health - physical and mental

Fulfilment - this one has the highest deviation between different people but essentially everything that makes a person satisfied with his or hers accomplishments, that makes a person proud and challenges the person in any aspect

In my own life I break those Pillars into Resources (sub categories) it’s a twist on Tiago Forte’s P.A.R.A method with a bit of Thomas Frank’s philosophy mixed in to my own but that deserved an article of it's own.

Since my Resources will probably highly differentiate from yours I decided to keep only to the 4 main Pillars as I wish for everyone the possibility to personalize the knowledge and use it as they see fit

You (yes you) can expect to have articles and different materials, most of them will be focused on 1 Pillar of life as described, some of them may have more general or all around uses and so will be tagged and sorted accordingly

I welcome you all on our mutual journey to Engineer Your Life

Feel free to reach out with feedback, suggestions and requests

Roman Geyzer



Physical and Mental


Sattisfaction from Accomplishments


Joy and Pleasance


Acquiring and applying Knowledge


 Guest articles - feel free to send me your materials and I will share them here:

Your articles

Guest articles, strategies and tips to Engineer Your Life